

篇名 论远程学习的理论和模式
並列篇名 On the Theories and Models of Distance Learning
作者 丁兴富
中文摘要 远程学习是指(教)师(学)生时空分离状态下学生主体的学习行为和思维活动。远程学习的理论和模式是远程教育理论体系中重要的基础理论。本文重点论述了以学生中心的远程学习圈理论、远程学习的交互理论和远程学习模式。
英文摘要 Distance learning is the behavior and thinking activities of learner subject in separation of space─time between teaching╱teacher and learning╱learner. The theories and models of distance leaning is the fundamental and core component of theoretical framework for distance education. The paper will be focused on examining the theory of distance learning circle with learner as the center, interactions theories of distance learning and distance learning models.
頁次 17-27
關鍵詞 models interactions distance learning circle essential theories distance learning 模式 交互 远程学习圈 基础理论 远程学习 CSSCI
卷期 12:3
日期 200606
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學