

篇名 薪酬機制對教師工作壓力、價值觀和績效影響的研究
並列篇名 Effect and Analysis on University Pay System to Teachers
作者 蘇峻 、願慶良
中文摘要 本文通过对部属高等学校教师的调查统计,分析了现行薪酬制度对教师的工作压力、心理承受力、价值判断等方面的影响。研究结果表明,教师对自我价值的实现和事业的追求非常强烈,绝大多数教师热爱本职工作,希望通过深化高校管理体制改革,提高管理体制的公平与效率。
英文摘要 For the purpose of studying the incentive effect of University Pay System on university teachers, the article based on the relevant researches and studied the affection of the current University Pay System to university teachers in three psychological aspect, namely performance exam effect, work pressure and endurance capability. The results showed that university teachers have a strong pursuit for self-fulfillment and successful career. Most of them love their teaching career and wish to further improve the farness and efficiency of university management system by deepening the management Systemic Reform. Multi-leveled, multi-purposed and multi-modeled managing strategy of University Pay System was proved to be the main methods of improving farness and efficiency.
頁次 49-54
關鍵詞 values endurance capability work pressure university pay system 價值觀 心理承受力 工作壓力 等學校 薪酬制度 CSSCI
卷期 13:5
日期 200710
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學