

篇名 廣播電視大學教師績效考評體系的設計
並列篇名 Design of Performance Appraisal System of Radio & TV University Teachers
作者 鐘育炎
中文摘要 本文运用绩效考评的科学理论和方法设计了适用于广播电视大学教师的绩效考评体系,目的是为了公平、公正、全面、有效、科学地考评教师的绩效,为对教师的聘任、激励、培训等提供依据,并且通过改善教师的绩效来提高电大的竞争力。
英文摘要 This paper is to improve and design a suitable performance appraisal system of the Radio & TV University teachers by using the scientific performance appraisal theories and methods. The purpose is to appraise the teachers’ performance fairly, efficiently, completely and scientifically and provide evidence for teachers’ appointment, encouragement, training and so on, thus enhance the competition of the Radio & TV University.
頁次 79-82
關鍵詞 hierarchy analytic process 360-degree feedback method performance appraisal system Radio & TV University teachers 層次分析法 360度反饋評價法 績效考評體系 廣播電視大學教師 CSSCI
卷期 13:1
日期 200702
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學