

篇名 中外政府與高校權力博弈模式比較研究
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on Power Game Models of Government and Universities between China and Foreign Countries
作者 林榮日
中文摘要 本文分析了加拿大、美国等西方国家政府与高校权力博弈模式的主要特征,并在此基础上,详细探讨了转型中国政府与高校权力博弈模式的特点及其演变方式。本文认为,西方国家政府与高校权力博弈模式共有四种,一是高校自治型;二是高校主导型;三是政府主导型;四是政府专制型。其中,高校自治型主要出现于欧洲中世纪中晚期,而政府专制行只在19世纪后期以来才在个别国家出现,目前大多数西方国家都是实行高校主导型或政府主导型。从新中国成立到1992年,中国政府与高校权力博弈模式均为政府专制型,此后才逐步演化为政府主导型。最后,笔者还提出了构建新型政府与高校权力博弈模式的设想。
英文摘要 The thesis firstly analyzed some major characteristics of power game models between government and universities in such western countries as Canada and USA etc., then the author probed into the features and their evolved manners of power game models in great detail between Chinese government and universities during the transforming stage(since 1978). The author believe that there are four models of power game between government and universities in Western countries, which are university self-running, university dominating, government dominating and government despotism, and there into the university self-running model was mainly found in the middle and anaphase stages of European Middle Ages and the government despotism model has appeared in a very few of countries since the end of 19st century, but at present most Western countries are carrying out the model of university dominating or government dominating. The power game model of Chinese government and universities was government despotism from 1949 till 1992, but it has been transformed gradually into government dominating since 1993. finally, the author brought forward an assumption to reconstruct the new power game model between Chinese government and universities.
頁次 32-43
關鍵詞 power game government power universities western countries 權力博弈 權力 政府 高校 西方國家 CSSCI
卷期 13:1
日期 200702
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學