

篇名 社会资本在民办学校发展机制中的运作逻辑:个案分析
並列篇名 Operational Logic of Social Capital in Minban School Development:A Case Study
作者 朱志勇 、徐蕾
中文摘要 在当前的社会结构和制度环境中,社会资本的动员和民办学校的运营是否存在必然的逻辑联系,二者之间以怎样的关系存在,二者关系的强弱程度如何,这些问题并无实证考量,因此也没有形成定论。本文尝试借用社会资本理论范式,分析一所民办外语培训学校在当前的制度环境中如何动员社会资本寻求自我发展,厘清关系社会资本在该校组建、日常管理和长远发展中的运作逻辑,借以探讨小型民办学校的盈利性与公益性问题,以促进教育资源的有效配置。
英文摘要 What is the relationship between social capital mobilization and the operation of Minban School in contemporary social and institutional context?Is there a logic underlying this relationship?It is difficult to answer these questions due to the lack of empirical data. This article presents a case study of the operational logic of “social capital” in a private language school. It proposes to explain how social capital is mobilized for the school to seek government authorization, and how it functions in the school’s daily management and long─term strategic decision─making. It also discusses private and public benefits of minban schools.
頁次 63-70
關鍵詞 minban education social capital operational logic 运作逻辑 民办教育 社会资本 CSSCI
卷期 27:4
日期 200608
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學