

篇名 高等教育的国际化与多样化 ─ 访加拿大高等教育知名学者格兰.琼斯教授
並列篇名 Internationalization and Diversification of Higher Education    ─ The Interview with Prof. Glen A. Jones
作者 黄复生 、魏志慧
中文摘要 【编者按】 随着社会经济的迅速发展和国际交流的日益频繁,高等教育的国际化和多样化成为许多国家高等教育发展的重要特征。加拿大作为一个移民国家,由于地域广阔,高等教育也因此具有明显的多样性和地方差异性,同时作为高等教育的发达国家,加拿大高等教育在国际化方面也比较前沿的位置。了解加拿大高等教育发展的经验和措施,对同样是高等教育大国和高等教育正在逐歩走向世界的中国将有很多有益的借鉴。本期我们有采访了加拿大多伦多大学的格兰.琼斯教授,期望能在更全面地了解加拿大特有的政治、经济、文化背景下深入理解其高等教育。格兰.琼斯(Glen A. Jones)教授是教育学博士,现为加拿大多伦多大学安大略教育研究院(OISE╱UT)的科研副院长,迄今已发表多篇有关加拿大高等教育体制的论文,是新版《世界教育百科全书》(加拿大分册)的撰稿人、加拿大高等教育学会前任主席以及《加拿大高等教育》杂志的副主编。琼斯教授已出版的书籍包括:1997年出版的《加拿大高等教育:不同体系与不同视角》(Higher Education in Canada:Different Systems, Different Perspective)、1998年出版的《大学与国家:对加拿大经验的反思》(The University and the State:Reflections on the Canadian Experience)、2002年与Alberto Amaral、Berit Karseth 合作出版《高等教育机构管理的国家视角》(Governing Higher Education:National Perspectives on Institutional Governance)、2005年与Patricia McCarney和Michael Skolnik合作出版的《创造知识,巩固国家:高等教育角色的变化》(Creating Knowledge, Strengthening Nations:The Changing Role of Higher Education)等等。2001年,加拿大高等教育研究协会授予琼斯教授事业研究奬。琼斯教授的研究和教学领域主要集中在高等教育制度、政策和管理,他对高等教育机构与政府之间的关系、高等教育机构之间的关系以及高等教育机构的决策制定过程尤感兴趣。除正式的高等教育机构外,琼斯教授还对大学内外影响政策制订的施压群体和个人所发挥的作用感兴趣。琼斯教授正在进行的项目有;加拿大社会科学和人文科学研究委员会资助的一个对加拿大大学、教师和学生组织的全国研究以及安大略高等教育政策的批判分析。
英文摘要 With the rapid development of society and economy and international communication , the internationalization and diversification becomes the important characteristics of higher education in many countries. Like China, Canada is a huge country and there are major differences in the economics and geography of different regions. It is known to all that Canada has been very successful in increasing the level of education of its population. In this issue, we are honored to interview with Prof. Glen A. Jones and will know more about the higher education in Canada from the background of politics, economy and culture of the country.Prof. Glen A. Jones’s research focuses on policy and politics of higher education in Canada. He is interested in the relationships between institutions of higher education and government, the relationships between institutions, and the decision making process within these institutions. Aside from the formal structures, he is curious about the role played by pressure groups and individuals both inside and outside the higher education community in influencing policy. His recent projects have included a national survey of Canadian university senates and senate members(sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), national studies of faculty and student organizations, and the critical analysis of higher education policy in Ontario. Prof. Glen A. Jones’s publications include:Higher Education in Canada:Different Systems, Different Perspectives(Garland, New York, 1997);The University and the State:Reflections on the Canadian Experience(Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, 1998);and Governing Higher Education:National Perspective on Institutional Governance(with Alberto Amaral and Beret Karseth, Kluwer, 2002). He is currently co─editing(with Patricia McCarney and Michael Skolnik)Creating Knowledge, Strengthening Nations:The Changing role of Higher Education(University of Toronto Press).
頁次 4-8
關鍵詞 diversification globalization internationalization distance education higher education 多样化 全球化 国际化 远程教育 高等教育 CSSCI
卷期 14:3
日期 200806
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學