

篇名 参与式教师培训效果的评价研究
並列篇名 An Experimental Study of the Effect of Participatory Teacher Training
作者 曾琦 、杜蕾
中文摘要 参与式教师培训是当前国际上普遍认可的教师培训模式,自 2001年我国激活新一轮基础教育课程改革以来,也运用该模式开了大规模的教师培训。本研究对2所小学54名教师进行了以”合作学习”为主题的参与式教师培训并评价了培训效果,结果表明:(1)培训提高了教师对合作学习有关知识的掌握水平;(2)教师组织合作学习的教学行为有了显著的改善;(3)教师对培训的整体感受比较好,乐于在教学中尝试运用培训中学到方法、理念等。
英文摘要 Participatory training is a popular model in teacher training practice which has been used to train a lot of teacher s since a new curriculum reform program in China began in 2001. Based on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model, this research assessed the effects of participatory teacher training on cooperative learning. The results indicated:(1)participatory training improved teachers’ knowledge about cooperative learning;(2)teachers handled cooperative learning in teaching process more effectively after training;(3)teachers valued educational beliefs embodied in participatory training, and they were wiling to apply pedagogical methods trainers used in participatory training into their teaching practices.
頁次 51-54
關鍵詞 evaluation teacher training participatory 评价 教师培训 参与式 CSSCI
卷期 19:4
日期 200707
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心