

篇名 國中生認知╱意動成份與學習表現之相關研究
並列篇名 Relationship among Junior High School Students' Cognitive/Conative Components and Learning Performance
作者 程炳林
中文摘要 本研究的目的如下:(1)了解四个认知成份变项与四个意动成份变项之关系。(2)探讨八个认知╱意动成份变项对国中学习表现的预测力。(3)探讨认知╱意动成份是否能将受试者区分成明显的集群。受试者来自八所国中共687人,他们接受阅读理解测验(丙式)、策略觉察量表、学习策略量表、情意反应量表、学习动机量表、行动导向量表、行动控制策略量表之施测。研究发现如下:(1)认知成份四个变项与意动成份四个变项彼此可以互相解释大约56%左右的变异量。意动成份对讯息处理策略和后设认知策略的解释力比较高,认知成份对学习动机和行动控制策略的解释力比较高。(2)认知╱意动成份八个变项可以联合解释国中生学习表现总变异量的54%,其中内容知识是学习表现最有力的预测变项。(3)认知╱意动成份四个因素可以将全体受试者区分成三个特性明显的集群。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were: (1) to explore the relationship among students' cognitive and conation variables, (2) to explore the effect of cognitive/conation variables on students' learning performance, and (3) to group observations into clusters by cognitive/conation components.Participants were 687 students from eight junior high schools. The instruments employed in these studies included: Reading Comprehension Tests (from C), Index of Reading Strategies Awareness, Learning Strategies Inventory, Affective Response Inventory, Learning Motivation Inventory, Action Orientation Inventory, and Action Control Strategies Inventory. The results of this study were as follow: (1) There were significant canonical correlation between cognitive components and conation components. The redundancy indices were 29.75% and 26.44%. (2) There were significant multiple correlation between cognitive/conation variables and learning performance. The cognitive/conation variables explained about 54% of the overall variance of learning performance. (3) The cluster analysis showed that subjects could be grouped into three clusters by cognitive/conation components.
頁次 43-59
關鍵詞 認知 action control motivativonal orientation learning strategies prior knowledge conation cognition 行動控制 動機導向 學習策略 先前知識 意動 TSSCI
卷期 45:1
日期 200004
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學