

篇名 從PRECEDE模式中教育與行為診斷來探討青少年事故傷害發生之影響因素
並列篇名 Educational and Behavioral Factors Influencing the Adolescent Unintentional Injuries In the PRECEDE Model
作者 王國川
中文摘要 事故伤害是今天青少年所面临最严重的健康问题,然而大部分的事故是可以藉由采取健康行为来事先防范的,所以本研究的目的在于应用PRECEDE模式思考架构来探讨有那些因素对于青少年事故伤害发生具有影响力,以提供未来学校、社区与家庭实施伤害防制工作之参考。台湾地区八十四学年度公私立国中、高中与高职日间部全体学生为母群,采多阶段分层群集随机抽样法获得完全有效样本9,770人,以青少年事故伤害发生之调查问卷为资料搜集工具,以多变项复回归与逻辑回归分析为探讨问题之统计方法。结果发现青少年事故伤害发生率受到交通与防火方面之预防行为所影响,而预防暨保护行为又受到素质因素中情感与价值观念,以及使能、增强因素中学校、社区的宣传与家庭的重视所影响,但素质比使能、增强因素的影响力来得大;同时,使能、增强因素亦可经由素质因素之途径间接影响到此预防暨保护行为。因此,PRECEDE模式对此问题提供了一个很好的教育与行为诊断。
英文摘要 Today the unintentional injuries are the most serious health problems facing the adolescent How-ever, most of the accidental injuries can be prevented in advance. The major purpose of the study, based upon the PRECEDE model, is to explore the etiology of the adolescent unintentional injuries, and to provide information for the future injury control and prevention in schools, communities, and families. The survey was undertaken to 9,770 students who were randomly sampled through the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling with probabilities proportional to sizes from the 45 junior, senior, and vocational high schools in Taiwan of the 1995-1996 academic year. The data were collected via the self-report questionnaire with better validity and reliability, and were analyzed through multivariate multiple regression and logistic regression analyses. The results revealed (1) the adolescent unintentional injuries were influenced by their preventive behaviors in the traffic and fire safety, (2) their preventive and pro-tective behaviors were influenced by the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors, where the for-mer factor was more influential than the latter two factors, and (3) the enabling and reinforcing factors indirectly influenced those behaviors through the cause and effect path of the predisposing factor. As expected, the educational and behavioral factors in the PRECEDE model permitted more accurate un-derstanding of the adolescent unintentional injuries.
頁次 075-093
關鍵詞 PRECEDE模式 the PRECEDE model the adolescent unintentional injuries 青少年事故傷害 TSSCI
卷期 42:1
日期 1997
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學