

篇名 李退溪的經世思想
作者 田博元
中文摘要 李退溪先生是韩国李朝时代的大儒,博观经傅,兼通性理诸书。其学出自中国宋朝的朱熹,以明理为体,以经世为用,充满淑世的精神。退溪的经世思想,是典型的儒家思想。远承孔、孟的心法,近守朱子的遗教。政治方面,注重德治,而以孝、悌、慈为本。德治的实现,则端在乎君臣。君明臣贤,天下致治;君闇臣佞,天下混乱。而君臣二者间,国君与德治的关系更为密切。为辅养圣德,退溪以笔代口,上疏帝王之学,此即史家称道的「戊辰六条疏」。同时献「圣学十图」,并亲自进讲。退溪爱君忧国的热忱,由斯可见。对于人才的培育,退溪更引为己任。陶山书堂,即是退溪亲手建成的教育场所,曾培养出三百余名的国家栋梁。对于推展教化,蔚养学风,卓有贡献。退溪先生毕生穷究理学,而志在圣贤事业。虽以身病体弱,不堪重任,但是退溪无论在朝在野,都非常关心君国大事,留意民生疾苦。「其术足以匡时,其言足以救世」,称先生为通儒,谁曰不宜。
英文摘要 T'oegye, a great Confucian scholar of Lee Dynasty (李 朝) in Korea, read a great number of classic books and biographies. He was also versed in various books about human nature and rationality. His learning was derived from Ju Shi (朱熹) of Sung Dynasty (宋朝 ) in China. It adopts comprehension of rationality as the fundamental while applying it to governing the world; therefore, his learning is filled with ideas to better the world.The governing thoughts of T'oegye were typical Confucian thoughts. They originated in the mental way of comprehension in Confucius and Mencius and abode by Ju Tze's teaching which was left to posterity. In politics, they emphasized the governing of the country by means of virtue, and regarded filial piety, brotherhood, mercy as the funda-mental of virtue governing. The realization of a moral rule depends on the king and his statesmen. If there are wise king and good statesmen, the whole country will be well ruled. If the king is unwise and the statesmen, flattering, the whole country will become chaotic. The king is closely related to a rule by means of virtue. In order to cultivate the virtue of the king, T'oegye wrote to the king, discussing the theory of being a king and this is the so called "Wu Chen Liou Tiau Su" (戊辰六条疏) praised by the historians. In the meantime, he submitted "Sen Shue She Tou" ( 圣学十图) and explained it personally to the king. T'oegye's concern for the king and the country can be seen very clearly from all this. The cultivation of people is considered by T'oegye his own responsibility. "The Private School Taur Shan" ( 陶山书堂 ) was built by him as a place for education, and more than three hundred and ten. people politically important had been educated here. He contributed a lot to education and developed interest in learning.T'oegye dedicated his whole life to the study of the theory of rationality, and he meant to follow the career of the saints and wise kings. Inspite of his poor health which kept him away from the political responsibility, he worried for the king and the country and paid attention to the rough living conditions of the people. "His learning can correct the errors of the world; his words can help better the world." Who can say it is unsuitable to call him a scholar of thorough knowledge ( 通儒 )?
頁次 423-436
卷期 31:1
日期 1986
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學