

篇名 實習教師的困擾問題與輔導之研究
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 本研究旨在調查國中實習教師的主要困擾,探討其相關因素及形戶途徑,並據以提供如何改進實習制度及實習教師的建議。先參考已有文獻及相關理論建立理論架構,再藉問卷調查,輔以晤談訪問、座談,實徵實習教師的困擾;將實徵所得資料利用ANOVA,積差相關、典型相關,複迴歸、與因徑分析(path analysis)加以統計分析,並參考其它資料作質的分析,得結論如下:第一、實習教師確實遇到頗多困擾,其困擾遍及「教學」、「班級管理」、「教育設備、條件不足與負擔過重」、「師生關係」、「與家長關係」、「同事關係」、「教材內容」各方面。其中以前三者為最。第二、;實習困擾與個人特性有關,其變異因個人之聯考入學志願先後、主修別、住居狀況、親朋勵、教育專業科目成績,兼任職務別而有不同。第三、實習困擾多少與服務學校特性、學區特性、與學校組織特性皆有關係。其困擾之變異因學區類型與社經情況、升學率高低、學區特性、與學校組織特性皆有關係。其困擾之變異因學區類型與社經情況、升學率高低、學校校對實習教師的態度與輔導、校長對學校領導的方式、民主化、專門化、創新性、關懷或倡導各變因分別造成者皆見顯著。第四、教師本身的特性與服務學校學區組織等23個變因與實習七項因擾有典型相關存在,所有預測變項可透過四個「典型因素」有效解釋實習困擾總變異的10%。第五、實習困擾之形成有跡可尋。經由因徑分析可以證實入學師範院校之意願影響教專業科目成績,繼以決定分發之社區與學校,個人服務教育的意願也由於在不同學校、學區、社區環境,其試教困擾也不同,此一途徑為一主要途徑。第六、對現行實習制度咸表不滿;對于實習之輔導皆感不足,期盼加據此等結論建議:第一、實習制度應予切實檢討,重建新制,其基本要求是使實習教師確實在師範院校指導人員的指導下與有經驗的國中教師同仁的「合作」下進行實習。第二、實習學校對前來實習教師應待以正向的態度,安排始業輔導,並加強其與有經驗同仁互動與合作的機會。第三、實習教師在校應重視教育專業課程的學習,在實習時應隨時省思檢討,切實運用所學于育情境之中。第四、教範教育課程更求精緻化,訓練要求更標準化,評量應更求嚴格與客觀化。第五、師範教育之入學考試與現行公費制度應予改進,俾便作長期的選擇,篩選性向適宜學生擔任未來的教育工作。第六、建立師範教育文化,加強教師全人教育理想的實現。
英文摘要 This study was to investigate the problems which were perceived by the first –year-teachers in this country, to evidence the correlates, to explore their prediction. and further, based on the findings, it was hoped that a more effective induction program was developed for the-first-year-teachers. 640teachers who just graduated from national Taiwan Normal University and National Kaohsiung Normal University in 1989 were sampled as the subjects for this study. They received a questionnaire survey, and interview, and had a meeting discussion. Basic statistics, ANOVA, Canonical analysis, Path analysis, and a qualitative review were employed to analyze the data collected. Major finding and conclusions were drawn as follows:    1. The problems perceived most often by the-first-year-teachers are the problems in “teaching”; “classroom management”; and “scarcity of educational” resources available and insufficiency of conditions & unbearable work stress.    2. Most of the problems vary significantly in accordance with the teachers’ individual characteristics, i.e. WIS, MAJ, SUP, REC, CLT, & ADM.    3. Most of the problems vary with environmental variables of the community, of the school district, of the school organization in which the teachers worked. Those variables include COM, SES, PRG, ATT, CON, ORT, PLD, SPS, INO, and STL.    4. A possibility was confirmed that the-beginning-teacher-problems can be predicted by a multiple regression which wither takes individual characteristics and the environmental variables as predictors.    5. The canonical correlation analysis of 23 predictors with all of 7 criterion variables revealed that 4 canonical factors accounted for 10% of the variance of the criterion variables.    6. A causal-effect path model was verified by the path analysis as a tenable mechanism for the first-year-teacher problems.    7. Most beginning teachers were not satisfied with current status of student teaching. It is suggested the system be reestablished & Some recommendations were provided as the conclusion.
頁次 33-103
卷期 10
日期 199305
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系