

篇名 都市化中高雄市遷入人口的教育與生活適應研究
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 工業革命的結果,機器取代了人力獸力從事大規模的生產,企業化的工廠在原料豐裕,動力充足,產銷方便的地區相繼設立,吸引大量的人力,形成現代的工商都市;繼以農村經營企業化機器化,生產所需的單位人力大為減低,如此互相推拉互相激盪的結果,大量的農業人口轉為工業人口,從鄉村移入都市,形者所謂橫的社會流動(Horizontal Mobility)。(註一)這種橫的社會流動是工業社會、都市社會普遍的象徵,易言之,它是工業化-都市化歷程中的必然現象。大量人口流向都市的結果,使得社會區位結構由「機械連帶」(Mechanical Solidarity)變成「有機連帶」(Organic Solidarity),制度結構勢必有待重建,人與人之間的互動關係也亟需調整,這種人口遷徙不僅改變農村的勞力結構,也造成都市適應的問題。此為先進國的經驗,也是學者者的一般理論。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study was to investigate Kaohsiung in-migrants’ adaptation to city community, vocation, as well as their children’s adjustments in city schools The relations among them and the factors related were also studied. 323 pupils and 1379 citizens were selected with a procedure of “Stratified Randomly Sampling” as a pupil sample, and a citizen sample respectively. the former were divided into 5 groups: (A) under 3 year-in-migrant group;(B)3-5 year-in-migrant group;(C) 5-10 year-in-migrant group; (D) over-10 year-in-migrant group; (E)non-migrant group; the later were so divided too,with an exception of putting (A)(B) two groups together, thus made 4 groups instead. “Barclay Classroom Climate Inventory”, two classroom adjustment scales,and a city life adjustment questionnaire constructed by the author, were administered to them. By two-factor analysis of variance, chi-square, we have reached these conclusions:    1. The amount of annual growth of Kaohsiung in-migrant-stream has been slowing down since 1968; while the annual in-migrant rate has been decreasing rapidly,quite unlike that of the period of 1959-1968.    2. 5 groups of citizen-sample differed significantly in adjustments to city community life, as well as to vocation; group (A) met more difficulties than others did.    3. 4 groups of pupil-sample differed significantly on many classroom adjustment scales, i.e. STOT, SA, SE, SR,GC, GS, TEF; group (A) were rated much lower than others were.    4. ln-migant-pupils’ classroom adjustments were correlated positively to their In-migrant-parents’ “community life”adjustments, yet, were correlated, in general, negatively or slightly to their “vocational” adjustments.
頁次 212-263
卷期 1
日期 197904
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系