

篇名 角色取替能力、同儕互動與道德判斷關係之研究
作者 陳聰文
中文摘要 道德教育一向受到重視,因為一個完善的人除了具備知識、技能外,更須有高尚的品德。但目前我國道德教育仍以社會學習論為主,偏在外在行為的要求,忽略了學生道德認知的啟發,以致道德教育效果不彰。本研究以認知發展觀的理論架構來探討我國兒童認知發展狀況及影響因素,以作為改進我國道德教育之參考。    本研究以120位9-14歲兒童為對象,施以Kohlberg之道德判斷測驗,Flavell之角色取替能力測驗,及Bogardus之社會距離量表,獲致以下結論:    1.角色取替能力與道德判斷之間有正相關,且低年齡組之相關較高。    2.角色取替能力是達成成熟道德判斷的必要條件,不是充分條件。    3.同儕互動與道德判斷之間有正相關,且13~14歲組之相關較高。    4.同儕互動色取替能力之間有正相關。    依據研究結論提出下列建議:    1.學校道德教學應多採用角色扮演、全體討論的方式。    2.父母對於兒童的道德行為應多鼓勵由別人立場去設想,並多與溝通、討論。    3.為使道德判斷研究結果更正確,應建立一套標準化的道德判斷測驗。
英文摘要 Moral education is always valued highly since a perfect person should have super moral characters, as well learned knowledge and trained skills. Up to the present, moral education in the Republic of China is limited by Social-Learning Theory that puts too much emphasis on the extrobehavior to the extend that ignores the inspirations of moral cognitive of students. Therefore, no satisfactory effects were found in the practice of moral education.    The purpose of this study was to apply Cognitive-Development Theory to explore the condition and influential factors of cognitive development in our children and be the references to improve the moral education in our country.    One hundred and twenty subjects aged from nine to fourteen were tested by Kohlberg Moral Judgment Test, Flavell role-Taking Test, and Bogardus Social Distance Scale.    The conclusions of the study are:    1. There were positive correlations between the role-taking ability and moral judgment. Highest correlations were found in the younger group.    2. Role-taking ability was a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for moral judgment.    3. There were positive correlations between peer interaction and moral judgment. A high relationship was found in the group aged 13 to 14.    4. There were positive correlations between peer interaction and role-taking ability.    The suggestions made in this study are:    1. Role-taking and class discussion should be encouraged to be used in moral teaching of school.    2. The communication and discussion between parents and children could enhance the moral behaviors that emphasized on considering from the sides of other people.    3. A standardized moral judgment test should be constructed in order to improve the results of moral judgment studies.
頁次 321-382
卷期 3
日期 198106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系