

篇名 法國、西德及日本師範教育的傳統與革新
作者 王家通
中文摘要 本文目的在於透過歷史的研究,以瞭解法國、西德及日本師範教育制度的特徵與發展的趨勢。首先分別分析法國、德國及日本等三國師範教育制度的演進、現況及改革的趨勢。然後將其並排比較,以闡明其個別特徵及其共同的趨勢。    根據比較結果,可以得到下列五項結論:    1.法、德兩國是師範教育發展最早的國家。    2.戰前法、日兩國師範教育制度頗多類似,戰後則各不相同。    3.近年日本師範教育制度的改革又趨向封閉制,西德則趨向與大學統合。    4.近年終身教育的觀念,急速在師範教育制度中普及。    5.法國的師範學校已升格為完全的高等教育機關,並與大學取得課程上的聯繫。
英文摘要 The purpose of this article is to investigate the national Characteristics and the general trends of teacher Education in the countries of France, West Germany and Japan. Through a historical and comparative analysis, five major findings are secured as follows:    1. In the history, the earliest teacher education institutes were found in France and Germany.    2. Before World War II, the teacher education system in Japan was very similar to the France system, but after World War II, the system in Japan was Changed, and became a different system from that in France.    3. But in recent years, the Japanese system of teacher education was separated from Universities gradually. On the contrary, the padagogische Hochschule in West Germany was more and more integrated to universities.    4. The idea of life-long education are spread rapidly in teacher education.    5. The Ecole nomale in France was developed to become complete higher education instates in recent years.
頁次 39-81
卷期 4
日期 198210
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系