

篇名 Issuse in Accountability and the Measurement of Pupils
並列篇名 績效責任與學生評量之爭論問題
作者 謝季宏
中文摘要 近年來績效責任(Accountability)已成為教育測驗所討論的熱門主題之一。所謂績效責任乃指建立正確目標、評估在何種成本下達成該目標,將此資料告知大眾並加以解釋,以及擔負起所有的責任。本文先就教育上的績效責任加以介紹,接著說明在績效責任制度下,使用測驗來評量學校的辦學成效所產生的爭論問題。然後從信度、效度、因果關係、測驗統計問題、生長速率、教學與測驗實施及教學目標的複雜性等七方面來討論,最後提出總結。
英文摘要 The concept of accountability has become one of major controversial topic of discussion in educational measurement in the recent years. Accountability contains setting correct goals, evaluating whether they have been achieved, and at what price, presenting and interpreting this information to the public, and accepting responsibility for any results that are perceived inadequate. This research would introduce the concept of accountability and discuss some arguments of using measurement in accountability from some criteria —— reliability, validity, establishing causal relations, measurement – statistical problem, rate of growth, teaching and test administration and level of complexity. And then the conclusion would be offered.
頁次 338-349
卷期 6
日期 198506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系