

篇名 A Review on the Reform of Taiwan's Teacher Education in the Early 1990s: A Social Political Perspective
並列篇名 九0年代初期臺灣師資培育制度改革檢討:社會--政治的觀點
作者 翁福元(Weng, Fwu-yuan)
中文摘要 九O年代初期,不論在台灣本土或其他世界各地,師資培育政策或制度都面臨了相當的挑戰與危機。做為國際社會之一部份的台灣,影響其師資培育制度或政策的因素,除了源自於其內在社會之外,自然難免受到國際其他社會國家的影響,尤其是來自英美等高度發展國家的師資培育政策改革潮流和社會思潮或理論的影響。就台灣在九O年代初期所進行的師資培育制度的改革,主要有以下的成就:從中央集權和單一壟斷制度到分權化和多元化,從計劃取向的制度走向開放及市場化。其中的影響因素可說是相當的多元複雜。整理分析相關文獻,發現可將其歸納為:師資培育制度的性質、傳統價值,社會結構變遷及西方社會思潮。本文旨在分析此等因素對台灣在九O年代初期所進行的師資培育制度及政策的改革有若何的影響;亦即從社會-政治的觀點來探討九O年代初期台灣的師資培育制度及政策的改革。
英文摘要 In the 1990s, compared to the past, the teacher education has experienced a more radical change in the world. As part of the global society, under the impact of world trends of teacher education and the Western social thoughts, and facing the challenges from inside social change, Taiwan's teacher education also has experienced a serial of radical changes. The main achievements of Taiwan's teacher education reform in the early 1990s are to change the teacher education system from centralised and monopolised to decentralised and pluralised one and to make it from a planned-oriented system to open-market one. In fact, the factors those have considerable influence on Taiwan's teacher education are variable but the more influential are the nature of the teacher education system, traditional values and social structural changes of Taiwan and the Western social thoughts. This paper aims at discussing and analysing how the determinant factors influence Taiwan's teacher education reform in the early 1990s. The reform results in the implementation of a new initial teacher training system, hence this paper will also make a critical review on this newly established system. The main perspective used to analyse Taiwan's teacher education reform in the early 1990s is social-political perspective. The main body of the analysis is located in the fourth section in this paper. This paper is divided into three main parts: first, the background; second, the review on the related documents; and finally, the discussion and analysis on the determinant factors of Taiwan's teacher education reform. According to the analysis on related documents, literature, and the influential social structural determinants, some of them have been mentioned above, from inside and outside Taiwan's society, are the Western social thoughts, the world trends of teacher education, political ideology, traditional values, the high social reputation of teacher and teaching and structural unemployment.
頁次 156-198
關鍵詞 教育政策 教育改革 政治意識型態 臺灣社會 社會變遷 師資培育政策 Education policy Education reform Political ideology Taiwan's society Society change Teacher education policy TSSCI
卷期 3:1
日期 200002
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所