

篇名 高中職社區化教育政策實施成效與問題分析
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Implementation of the National Cooperative Project in Taiwanese Secondary Schools: Administrative Quandaries and Solutions
作者 馮丹白(Feng, Dan-pei) 、陳信正(Chen, Hsin-cheng)
中文摘要 自2001年起,教育部正式推動「高中職社區化」教育政策,期望藉由高中職社區化計畫及推動方案的實施,整合教育資源、提升中等教育品質及建構學生適性發展的學習環境。本文乃從高中職社區化之理念與內涵、形成過程、實施內容與成效加以分析,並針對政策實施所產生之問題,包括政策理念與實務執行需時間以逐步接軌、社區地理範圍劃分尚須形成共識、基礎網絡的整合仍待加強、跨校合作課程難以實施,以及工作無法轉化成常態化的例行性工作等加以探討。最後提出相關建議,以供主管教育機關做為政策推動之參考。
英文摘要 The Ministry of Education in Taiwan initiated the National Cooperative Project in Taiwanese Secondary Schools (NCPTSS) in 2001, stressing cooperation between communities and educational systems in senior and vocational high schools throughout Taiwan. By integrating resources among the schools, the project promoted the educational quality of the Taiwanese secondary schools. In NCPTSS, the cooperative relationship in schools and nearby communities can provide students better learning environments that meet their needs for current and future developments. This study aimed to provide profiles of the NCPTSS from its ideas, contents, forming and practice, and to find out some problems including the policies need time to meet with practice, the unstable geography areas of communities, the insufficient integration of communication between school-to-school and school-to-community, and the difficulties in cross-school courses and in routinizing the NCPTSS. At last, this study presented some suggestions for the NCPTSS education policy.
頁次 123-164
關鍵詞 十二年國教 高中職社區化 教育政策 1-12 compulsory education Education policy National cooperative project in Taiwanese secondary schools NCPTSS TSSCI
卷期 10:2
日期 200705
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所