

篇名 WTO教育承諾對臺灣高等教育影響之分析:臺灣加入WTO五週年的回顧與展望
並列篇名 Analyses of the Effect in Higher Education in Taiwan by Educational Market Opening Commitments of WTO: Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan Joining WTO in the Fifth Anniversary
作者 張鈿富(Chang, Dian-Fu) 、葉兆祺(Yeh, Chao-Chi) 、吳慧子(Wu, Hui-Tzu)
中文摘要 本文透過SWOT分析探討台灣加入WTO五週年後,教育服務業承諾開放對台灣高等教育的影響,分析的主要議題包括:外國人在台設立學校、外國人來台留學人數、出國留學人數、遠距教學服務及大學國際交流等,做為下一階段發展台灣高等教育之參考。研究主要發現如下:一、對外國人來台設校訂立相關限制,但主要會員國爭取開放態度更積極,台灣則採逐步修法以因應。二、目前來台留學人數不多,以學習華語為主,但在承諾開放高等教育後,來台留學人數逐漸增加,政府亦不斷釋出誘因,企圖拓展高等教育國際市場。三、出國留學的趨勢有明顯變化,前往美國留學人數停滯或減少,但前往中國大陸留學熱卻逐漸升溫,政府則以學歷認證策略做為降低衝擊的機制。四、推動遠距教學學分認證、高等教育機構開發遠距教學市場,相關法規逐漸鬆綁,但課程發展及認證機制未臻健全。五、國際學術合作與交流共識已形成,大學積極改善國際化之不足,建構學術合作與交流網絡。
英文摘要 Using the SWOT analysis, researchers address the effects on higher education of Taiwan after the WTO market opening commitments were releasing in 2002. The following topics are included: Commercial presence, consumption abroad, cross-border supply, and presence of natural persons. The findings of this study are as follows. First, in contrast to the aggressive attitude of other main WTO members, Taiwan amended the related laws gradually in imposing restrictions on foreigner establishing higher education institutions in Taiwan. Second, the number of foreigner students in Taiwan now is not large but increasing little by little after the market opening commitments. The government released the inducement continuously in order to establish international education market. Third, the trend of students to study abroad varies obviously. The number of students who study abroad in USA is getting smaller, but larger in China in recent years. Fourth, since the educational laws related to the certification of the distance learning programs were amended, this encourages the Taiwanese higher education institutions to develop and invest more in distance learning courses. However, the curriculum development and academic recognition mechanism for the programs of distance learning are still unsound. Finally, the consensus to improve the internationalization and to construct the networks of academic cooperation or information exchanges has been established in higher education of Taiwan.
頁次 19-52
關鍵詞 世界貿易組織 服務業貿易總協定 高等教育 General agreement on trade in services Higher education SWOT World trade organization TSSCI
卷期 10:4
日期 200711
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所