

篇名 環邏輯思考能力評量工具的編製
並列篇名 The Construction of an Instrument for the Rvaluation of Logical Thinking
作者 黃寶鈿
中文摘要 本测验之编制目的在设计一套评量学生的逻辑思考能力的测试工具(乙卷),并与前一期国科会专题研究计画所设计之甲卷配合,以建立一套复本测试工具。本测验之适用范围为形式操作期之学生。本工具包括比例、控制变因、机率、相关及组合等五种推理能力,每部分包括两种相同内容的题目。本测验之折半信度为0.47 - 0.87,库李信度为0.47 - 0.86,Cronbach信度系数在0.47 - 0.86间。本测验经由项目分析结果显示其具有相当的鉴别作用与适当的难度分布。构念效度为0.31 - 0.82,与化学成就测验之相关为0..20至0.55,与魏氏智商之相关为0.26至0.47,以上结果皆达到统计上之显著水准。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to develope an instrument of logical thinking, FORM B, as an alternative for of FORM a, which was used in the formal research project sponsored by National Science Council. The test consists ten items designed to measure five modes of formal reasoning: controlling variables, proportional reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, an correlational reasoning.By item analusis, it indicated that the test consisted a reasonable difficulty and a discrimination poper. Analysis of data from 2195 students from grade 7 through college inicated high test realiability (p<.01). The split-haf realiability is 0.47=0.87; the Cronbach coeffocoemt os 0.47-0.86Rvidemce of croterion-related alidity was obtained from a study with the chemistry achievement test, adn the correlation coefficient is between 0.20 to 0.55. The construct validiy is 0.31-0.82. The correlation coefficient is 0.26-0.47 with IQ test. All the above data provided the high test validity(p<0.1).
頁次 485-505
卷期 33:1
日期 1988
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學