

篇名 一種提昇生命境界的方法--獨處之探討
作者 張光甫
中文摘要 古今成大事業、大學問者必須經過三種境界。從獨處心境的蘊發開始,藉著獨行其道的決心與毅力,以底於一種具有悲劇性的獨善人格的完成為終結。    中國儒、道、墨三家所推崇的人格,或為隱士或為受難者,都具備剛毅的強者寂寞,既能兼善天下,也能獨善其身。人文心理學家所贊許的自我實現人格,既能與人和諧相處,也愛獨處靜思,求自我理想的實現。    獨處是索離求德(Solitude)。索離是客觀的條件,獨思求德方是主觀要素。獨處時,境清心靜。心靈方可凝歛專注,使靈台清明。    獨立思考是創造人格的要件。文學的空、靜之美,有賴虛靜心靈的自然流露。慎獨更是完成德行的工夫。獨處非恐懼退縮,仍是獨立不懼,遯世無悶,提昇生命境界的一種方法。
英文摘要 People from ancient times to the present day who achieved great deeds and great learning must have experienced three stages. the most important trait in these three stages is the attitude of solitude which goes through the whole process of human growth.    There are two major pathways to growth. One pathway is through our interaction with other human beings; the other, the route of self-discovery through solitude. Solitude does not necessarily mean going back to the neurotice loneliness of deprivation and alienation with others, but giving man an opportunity to develop himself fully and harmoniously.    The solitude is an essential component of a Chinese of a Chinese hermit sage and a martyr of Mohist school. It is true for all self-actualizing people of the humanistic psychology. They positively like solitude and privacy to a definitely greater degree than the average person.    It is the moment of solitude that one can easily enhance a psychic space and cultivate an egoless selfhood. An egoless selfhood would create a disinterested mind which is necessary for the creativeness of art and literature. As we know, the beauty of emptiness and tranquility of a poem fully relys on a disinterested mind of the writer. Only in solitude, one has the chance to do reflective thinking and reassure his moral conduct. the man of great deeds and great learning can be solitary, without harm to themselves and without discomfort. Just as Henry David Thoreau said, “I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.”
頁次 97-112
卷期 3
日期 198106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系