

篇名 父母與同儕對國中學生教育抱負影響之研究
作者 吳幼妃
中文摘要 本研究的目的有三:(一)瞭解我國國中學生之教育抱負及父母的教育期待;(二)探討父母與同儕對國中學生教育抱負影響的情形;(三)瞭解影響國中學生教育抱負之主要因素間的因徑係數。    本研究選取國中一、二、三年級學生共六八七名為樣本,並以自編「升學意願調查表」及「子女升學意見調查表」,分別調查全體樣本及其家長。    調查資料經統計分析。得研究結果如下:    (一)決定我國國中學生教育抱負的「因果模式」為「社經地位→學業成就→人際因素→教育抱負」。    (二)我國國中學生的教育抱負與家長的教育期待均在專科教育階段。    (三)父母期待對國中學生教育抱負的影響大於同儕的影響,別是子女對父母教育期待的知覺在各變項中佔最重要地位。    (四)國中學生的教育抱負隨年級增長而有遞減現象,父母期待的影響力亦隨年級的增長而遞減,至於同儕的影響力則隨年級增長而略有增加。    (五)父母對子女教育期待有性別差異,對男孩的期待高於對女孩的期待。國中學生本身的教育抱負則無性別差異情形。    (六)子女的學業成就對父母教育期待的影響大於社經地位因素的影響。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study are: 1. to find the educational aspiration of the junior high school students and the educational expectation of their paeents, 2. to explore the parental and peer influences on adolescents’ educational aspiration, and 3. to find the path coefficient among the major variables which have influences on educational aspiration of junior high school students.    A sample of 687 students and their parents were selected from public junior high school. two questionnaires were given to investigate the students and their parents. The results of this study revealed that most of the hypotheses were supported.    The major findings are as follows:    1. The “causal model” determining junior high school students’ aspiration is “SES→Academic Achievement→Interpersonal Influences→Educational Aspiration”.    2. The average educational level of the students’ aspiration and the parents’ expectation is to reach at least junior college level.    3. Parents’ expectation has stronger influences than the best friend’s aspiration in determing the aspiration of junior high school students.    4. Junior high school students’ educational aspiration and the parental influences becomes weaker when they grow older. On the contrary, the peer influences become stronger when they are in a higher grade.    5. Compared to SES, the adolescents’ academic achievement has stronger influence on parental expectation.    6. The parents’ educational expectation to boys are higher than to girls, But there is no difference of educational aspirations between the boys and girls.
頁次 345-380
卷期 4
日期 198210
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系