

篇名 中小學校長專業發展政策與內容之研究:美國肯塔基等四州之實例及其對我國的啟示
並列篇名 A Study of the Professional Development Policy and Content for Elementary and Secondary School Principals: Examples from Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, and Their Implications for Taiwan
作者 吳百祿(Wu, Pai-Lu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究中小學校長的專業發展政策和專業發展內容。首先,研究者分別闡述傳統與新興的校長專業發展政策與內容之理念。其次,採用文獻分析和文件分析的研究方法,分別探討美國肯塔基州、田納西州、維吉尼亞州和西維吉尼亞州的校長專業發展政策與內容之實例,並就四州的相似處與相異處予以比較和討論。最後,依據對美國肯塔基等四州的校長專業發展政策和內容之研究結果,提出對我國當前校長專業發展政策和內容的檢討與建議,包含:1.修法並明訂校長專業發展時數;2.成立校長中心或校長領導學苑;3.規劃校長專業證照制度;4.建構完善的校長專業發展支持系統;5.提升校長教學領導知能;6.結合學校改善計畫的內涵,規劃校長專業發展的活動內容;7.成立類似美國的「跨州學校領導者證照聯合會」(ISLLC)組織;8.規劃校長專業發展活動宜多元考量。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to analyze professional development policy and content for elementary and secondary school principals. To begin with, the researcher delineated between the traditional and new ideas of professional development policy and content for principals. Secondly, The researcher adopted literature survey and document analysis methods to explore the professional development policy and content for principals in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. In addition, the researcher compared the similarities and differences of professional development policy and content for principals among Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Finally, according to the results, some reflections and suggestions were made in order to improve the professional development policy and content for principals in Taiwan. These suggestions included requiring hours of professional development activity per year for principals, establishing principal centers or principal leadership academies, designing professional licensure for principals, providing support systems of professional development for principals, promoting the knowledge and skills of instructional leadership to principals, connecting school improvement plans and multiple considerations with professional development contents for principals, developing professional organization like ISLLC in America.
頁次 53-87
關鍵詞 校長專業發展 專業發展內容 專業發展政策 Professional development content Professional development for principals Professional development policy TSSCI
卷期 10:4
日期 200711
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所