

篇名 研究性學習促進教師教育的專業發展
並列篇名 Professionalization of Teacher Education through Research-oriented Learning
作者 約翰尼斯˙威爾特
中文摘要 本文主要论述了教师教育专业化的性质和特点,并指出研究性学习可以促进教师教育的专业发展。文章回顾了德国研究性学习的进程后,分别从学习过程和研究过程这两个视角分析了研究性学习的本质,以及研究性学习在教师教育专业化发展中的地位。文章最后结合作者本人的课题研究案例分析了研究性学习在教师专业发展中的实施。
英文摘要 This paper will present the nature and characteristics of professionalization of teacher education, and argue that research-oriented learning can facilitate the professional development of teacher education. After the retrospective description of research-oriented learning in Germany, this paper is to analyze the essence of research-oriented learning from the perspectives of learning process and research process, and to regard research-oriented learning as the top step towards professional teacher education. Finally, this paper will examine the implementation of research-oriented learning in teacher professional development by integrating with the author’s several projects.
頁次 71-75
關鍵詞 steps towards professional development research-oriented learning professional development teacher education 專業發展步驟 專業發展 研究性學習 教師教育 CSSCI
卷期 13:1
日期 200702
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學