

篇名 教育政策研究的第三立场:面向政策利益相关者
並列篇名 The Third Way for Educational Policy Researchers:A Stakeholder Analysis
作者 陈学军
中文摘要 教育政策问题不只关乎研究者和决策者,它也渉及各政策利益相关者的切身利益。因此,流行于教育政策研究中的”两种文化”说虽有助于协调决策者与研究者的立场,却也忽略了教育利益相关者参与政策问题的合法性与可能性,隐含着政策研究只有直接指向教育决策者这一利用路径的判断。”两种文化”说依循的是一种实证论假设,其强调社会现实的客观性,认为研究者和决策者有资格、有能力设计教育政策;而社会批判论和社会建构论则否定了实证论假设,表达了与政策设计观相反的政策建构观。从政策利益相关者介入政策问题的权利和建构性的思维出发,教育政策研究需要面向政策利益相关者,确立第三种立场。而要达至这一目的,既有赖于教育政策研究自身的调整,也需要外部因素的支持。
英文摘要 Education policy concerns not only researchers and decision─makers, but also the stakeholders. The concept of Two Cultures in educational policy researcher is helpful to coordinate the respective perspective of decision─makers and researchers. However, it ignores the legitimacy and possibility of the stakeholder’s participation in policy─making. This may wrongly suggest that policy research only concerns decision─makers. Two Culture implies a positivistic hypothesis, emphasizes the objectivity of social reality, and assumes that both decision─makers and researchers have the qualification and ability for policy design. Contrary to this, critical theory and social constructive theory emphasizes policy construction, rather than policy design. Therefore, taking account of the stakeholder’s rights to intervene in policy issues and the constructive approach, educational policy research should consider the concerns of the stakeholders, and express the third standpoint besides those of researchers and decision─makers. It hence requires to change educational policy research itself and to obtain support from the outside.
頁次 54-59
關鍵詞 教育政策研究 stakeholder theory hypothesis Two Cultures educational policy research 第三立场 理论假设 两种文化 CSSCI
卷期 28:3
日期 200706
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學