

篇名 關於推動教育戲劇發展的若干思考
並列篇名 Some Thoughts about Promoting the Development of Drama in Education
作者 周斌
中文摘要 教育戏剧(Drama In Education, DIE)注重把戏剧作为一种教育的工具和手段,突出和强化了戏剧的教育功能。在学校推广教育戏剧既有利于改进教学方法、丰富教育手段,又有利于学生综合素质和各种能力的培养。推广教育戏剧与加强戏剧教育是紧密相关的,两者之间是相辅相成的。而戏剧教育的普及和教育戏剧的推广,又与各种演出实践活动是紧密结合在一起的,因此大力推动校园戏剧的繁荣发展,无疑是一个十分动的的环节。
英文摘要 Drama in Education emphasizes on taking drama as a tool of education and strengthens its moralization function. The popularization of DIE in schools will not only help improve and enrich education methods, but also is propitious to cultivate students’ comprehensive qualities and abilities. Promoting popularization of DIE should be linked with enhancing the education of drama, they also supplement each other. While the popularization of education of drama and the drama in education is closely integrated with various performance practices. Therefore, it is quite essential to promote the prosperous development of campus drama.
頁次 28-35
關鍵詞 教育戲劇 campus drama education of drama drama in education 戲劇教育 校園戲劇 CSSCI
卷期 6:5
日期 200809
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學