

篇名 价值重估与民国初年中小学德育课程教育的深层变革
並列篇名 The Re ─ evaluation of Value and the Significant Transformation of The Instruction of Moral Education Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Schools in the Early Republic of China
作者 黄书光
中文摘要 民国初年社会的急剧转型和复杂生态带来了思想文化的激烈论争和价值观念的重新估量。德育课程的设置总是内在地受制于当时国家的政治制度及其背后的文化异动与价值变迁,修身教科书的编写在德目内容、题材来源及文言文的叙述样式中保留着较为浓厚的传统文化情结,修身教学的实践指向则引起有识之士的高度重视并进行了许多相应的学术探究。反思民国初年中小学德育课程、教科书编写乃至具体德育教学方式的深变革,不仅有助于把握当时中小学德育改革的发展脉胳,而且对理性地审视当代中国德育改革路向不无启发。
英文摘要 In the early Republic of China, the dramatic social transformation and complex ecosystem set off heated discussions of the thought and culture as well as the re─evaluation of value. The setting of the moral education curriculum was always inherently enslaved to the country’s political system, its underlying cultural changes and the vicissitude of value at that time. The compilation of the textbooks of moral cultivation retained a strong feeling of traditional culture in the contents of moral education items, the source of the subject materials and the narrative style of classical Chinese, while the practical intention of its teaching aroused the people of insight to pay high attention to it and some related academic researches were carried out then. By reflecting upon the significant transformation of the moral education curriculum in primary and secondary schools, the compilation of textbooks and even concrete way of teaching in moral education in the early Republic of China, we can not only grasp the developing thread of the moral education reform in primary and secondary schools, but also more rationally examine the direction of moral education reform in contemporary China.
頁次 73-79
關鍵詞 the primary and secondary school in the early Republic of China the instruction of moral education curriculum the textbook of moral education citizen the re─evaluation of value the Chinese education history 公民 修身教科书 德育课程教学 民初中小学 价值重估 中国教育史 CSSCI
卷期 4:4
日期 200808
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學