

篇名 讲述:困境中的教育美丽 ─ 法国电影《放牛班的春天》的教育叙事研究
並列篇名 Narration:Beautiful Education in the Plight ─ Educational narrative research on French film “The Choir Boys”
作者 彭钢
中文摘要 以神话结构描述的”行列分析法”,对《放牛班的春天》进行教育叙事,揭示”两分法”的思维方式和结构的表述。良好的教育,通过给予尊严与自由培育人的尊严与自由,教育手段与教育目的具有内在的统一性。音乐教育既是一种教育活动和手段,也是一种人的基本需要,一种表现人的尊严与自由的需要,即丰富和建构人的内在精神和世界的教育本身。在宽容与惩罚、理想与现实所构成的冲突与张力之间,良好的教育才可能由抽象变为具体,由简单变为丰富,由程序化的东西变为生动有效的过程。
英文摘要 Educational Narrative Research on French film “The Choir Boys”, by using “the column and row analysis” of myth construction description, reveals the “dichotomy” way of thinking and structure of expression. Good education, by giving and fostering individuals’ dignity and freedom, reaches the internal unity of education means and purpose. Music education is an education means and activity as well as a basic human need to manifest human dignity and freedom, that is, the education itself enriching and building human inner spiritual world. Only between the conflict and the tension constituted by tolerance and punishment or the ideal and reality, is good education possible to be a concrete, rich, lively and effective process instead of abstract, simple and programmable thing.
頁次 14-24
關鍵詞 education ideals education tolerance dignity and freedom the column and row analysis narrative research 教育理想 教育宽容 尊严与自由 行列分析法 叙事研究 CSSCI
卷期 4:4
日期 200808
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學