

篇名 研究型大學的歷史與文化底蘊
並列篇名 History and Culture Heritage of the Research University
作者 劉海峰
中文摘要 校史长短往往与一所大学的办学传统和学术水平密切相关。大学校史涉及许多校长和著名人物,不论历史人物的政治倾向,都应客观地书写其在大学历史上的作为和地位。研究型大学的历史书写,更应该以身作则,实事求是。研究型大学的文化底蕴既体现在学术传统和校风校貌上,也体现在学校的个性和气质上,体现在校训、校歌、校风、校徽和校园建筑中。在研究型大学的历史与文化中,存在一种”两校互竞现象”,这种互竞现象虽有某些负面影响,但也可促使各自学校发奋向上,努力争先,共创双赢。
英文摘要 The length of a university history in general is closely linked to the academic tradition and quality of a given institution. The history of a university requires objective evaluation of the role and influence of many of its presidents and prominent figures, regardless of their political identities. The writing of a university history requires a truthful and critical representation of the past, so as to set oneself an example to others. The cultural heritage of the research university comprises not only its academic tradition and campus scenery, but also its character, ethos, motto, anthem, atmosphere, emblem and architecture, there is a phenomenon of “competition between two universities” in the history and culture of research universities. Despite of certain negative influence, such competition in general spurs both institutions to strive forward for a win-win situation.
頁次 41-45
關鍵詞 competition between two universities Research university culture university history 校史文化 兩校互競現象 研究型大學 CSSCI
卷期 29:1
日期 200802
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學