

篇名 美國大學教師評鑑制度之探討
並列篇名 An Analysis on the University Faculty Evaluation System in the United States of America
作者 蘇錦麗 、黃曙東
中文摘要 於20世紀初,美國大學在不違反教師追求學術自由的權利下,開始建立教師評鑑制度,以決定教師能否被聘用、續聘、長期聘任、升等及其敘薪水準,此套評估教師實際表現的公平程序即為大學教師評鑑制度之濫觴。而我國於2005年12月28日頒布實施之新修訂《大學法》中,首次要求各大學應在聘約中明確規範教師之權利義務,以及教師停聘或不續聘之要件,同時規定大學應建立教師評鑑制度,對於教師之教學、研究、輔導及服務成效進行評鑑,評鑑結果將做為教師升等、續聘、長期聘任、停聘、不續聘及獎勵之重要參考。大學教師評鑑制度之建立與實施,涉及複雜的集體協商、職責表現之價值判斷,以及運用評鑑結果之人事決定等相關政策與法令。若規劃妥當並落實執行,除可提升教師評鑑方案之成效及避免可能之法律訴訟外,亦可透過評鑑強化機構人力素質與整體效能。爰此,本研究目的旨在透過文獻與文件之分析,以瞭解美國大學教師評鑑制度,包括發展、特色及其對我國大學教師評鑑制度之啟示與建議,研究結果可提供各大學及教育行政主管機關未來規劃、實施及評鑑大學教師評鑑相關政策、制度、工作時之參考。
英文摘要 Faculty evaluation system, which refers to the systematic assessment of a teacher’s qualification or performance in relation to a role or larger defensible purpose, has been used for quality assurance and/or professional development purposes and been swiftly taking center stages since 1980’s. The development of a new faculty evaluation system is a complex process in a complex social context that involves the collective bargaining agreement, judgment of the individuals’ performances, and utilization of their evaluation outcomes. An effective faculty evaluation system could be a vital tool for guiding personnel decisions; helping teachers improve their contributions and addressing pertinent legal issues in applying its results. On December 28, 2005, Taiwanese Ministry of Education reauthorized the Taiwan’s University Law to require all the higher education institutions to compulsorily establish their own university faculty evaluation system for the purpose of decision making on faculty promotion, reappointment, tenure, dismissal, discontinuance and reward. In addition, the faculty evaluation system was first initiated by the universities in the United States of America during the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, the important issues with regard to the system are worthwhile for investigation. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper, via literature and documentation analysis, is to analyze the development and characteristics of university faculty evaluation system in the United States, and the inspiration of the system to Taiwan. The results of the study can provide Taiwan’s universities and the related educational authorities with the valuable and practical information for directing, implementing, assessing and improving their faculty evaluation systems.
頁次 1-44
關鍵詞 university faculty evaluation system university faculty evaluation United States of America personnel evaluation standards 美國大學教師評鑑制度 大學教師評鑑制度 大學教師評鑑 人員評鑑標準 TSSCI
卷期 12:2
日期 200905
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所