

篇名 美国高等教育模式在东亚的移植及其变种
並列篇名 Transplantation and Variation of American Higher Education Model in East Asia
作者 高益民
中文摘要 近来中日韩三国的高等教育改革之所以有意无意地参照美国之先例,除了世界各国共有的理由之外,也与三国独特的历史经验不无关系。美国高等教育自19世纪即向东亚移植,在第二次世界大战以前对中国有较为突出的影响,而对朝鲜半岛和日本的影响未能上升至制度层面;战后美国模式被大举引入日韩两国,影响极为深远,而在中国却因苏联模式的引入而式微。尽管美国高等教育模式在三国的遭遇各不相同,但它的移植及其变种,都深刻地影响着三国的高等教育改革。
英文摘要 Many American elements can be found in higher education reform in China, Japan and Korea in the last two decades. American model was in unique connection with these three Asian countries in the past 150 years, apart from the common aspects shared with other countries. Transplantation of American higher education model to East Asia started in the 19th century. Before the World War II, its impact on China was outstanding but didn't get to the institutional level in Japan and Korea. After the II, American model was introduced into and had tremendous impact on Japan and Korea in a large scale while China mainly copying the Russian model. Despite the different experiences in these three countries, American higher education model has profound influence on their higher education systems.
頁次 32-37
關鍵詞 东亚 高等教育 美国模式 移植 变种 East Asia higher education American model transplantation variation CSSCI
卷期 26:11
日期 200511
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所