

篇名 王陽明與教育
作者 張奉箴
中文摘要 王陽明不僅是一位百戰百勝的軍事家,天才卓越的文學家,思想高深的哲學家,更是一位偉大的教育家和心靈修養的導師。王陽明對於教育的見解,完全依據他的心即理,知行合一和致良知三大哲學思想。王陽明對於教育-學-的主張,除我國古聖先賢的傳統為人之道的固有觀念外,更把學的範圍,收縮到致良知的工夫上。他對於教育方法,在受教者,學生方面強調應立志、勤學、並在事上磨鍊。在教人者,教師方面,王陽明認為應計劃有序,注重道德,適應心理,並因才施教。在實際教育工作上,王陽明曾收錄門徒,到處講學,隨時指導,譬如:答覆詢問、寫信、題卷、題扇、把握機會,使人自悟。事實告訴我們,王陽明深深獲得學生的心和愛,切實幫助學生改過修德,不僅靠講學,更靠他那精明的內修指導。王陽明對於教育的意義、方法和工作,都有卓見、建樹和貢獻,值得教育界稱揚和師法。特別在師道普遍式微的今天,身為人師者,目睹陽明先生的高風亮節,更宜警惕策勵。
英文摘要 Wang Yang-ming(王陽明)was born in 1472 and died in 1529, the scion of a line of distinguished scholars and officials. He seemed to have studied both Taoism and Buddhism, but ended by being a staunch Confucian scholar, He was the most outstanding philosopher, famous army commander, great statesman, illustrious man of letters, celebrated educator, and authentic counselor of ethical life of the Ming dynasty.    Wang Yang-ming founded his theories of education on his three main philosophical principles, i.e., “the principles(理)are in the mind(心即理)”, “unity of knowing and acting(知行合一)”, and “manifestation of true knowing(致良知)”. He sys that “one should not study things but only their LI(理), which is completely contained in one’s own mind”. He emphasized the importance of acting in conformity with the dictates of one’s conscience. Acting also includes the idea of knowing, for knowing without acting is the same as not knowing at all“. Since the real value of true knowing lies in acting, the secret of effective acting is found as true knowing.    Towards education, besides following the very traditional way of Chinese old sages, i.e., to put teaching chiefly on moral instruction, Wang Yang-ming also epitomized uniquely on his philosophical principle of “manifestation of true knowing”.    Concerning educational methods, on the part of his real and actual educational activities, during his life, Wang Yang-ming received students without restriction, instructs students every-where, guided his pupils at all times, e.g., he wrote letters, answered inquiries, corrected and noted papers, wrote on the face of fans, cstches every opportunity, and helps students to accomplish some-things on their own, etc.    The teaching of Wang Yang-ming on education and his actual educational work are of eternal value. May every teacher, nowadays, take Wang Yang-ming as his or her model.
頁次 1-33
卷期 3
日期 198106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系