

篇名 青少年自我統整與形式運思能力關係之研究
作者 江南發
中文摘要 本研究的主要目的在探討比較高中、高職學生及犯罪少年自我統整與形式運思的發展狀況,並發現青少年自我統整與形式運思能力的相互關係,以供策進教育與輔導青少年措施的參考。茲將主要的發現摘述如下:    1.在自我統整方面的發展顯示男生優於女生,即男生自我發展上比女生具有較高的積極性成分,女生則具有較高的消極性成分。就年齡因素上,男生統整解決與年齡有關,年齡愈大其「統整解決指數」愈高。高中與高職學生之間自我統整的發展並無差異,而犯罪少年「統整混淆」的程度均比高中、高職男生或女生為高。    2.在形式運思能力的發展顯示男生優於女生,就年齡因素上,則只有高職男生年齡愈大,其形式運思能力有愈高的現象。高中學生形式運思能力顯著優於高職學生,而犯罪少年又均比高中、高職男生為差。    3.在自我統整與形式運思的關係,發現形式運思能力與自我統整有關,即形式運思能力愈低,其統整混淆的程度愈高。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were:    1. To study ego identity formation and formal operational development of general and vocational senior high school students and juvenile delinquents.    2. To investigate the relationship between ego identity achievement and formal operational development.    The main conclusion were:    1. Sex differences were found in ego development. males had more positive polarity than females. Males performed significantly higher than females on the Identity Resolution Index. The degree of the Identity Resolution Index of males increased significantly with age, but not for the females. There was no significant difference between general and vocational senior high school students; however, the degree of the Identity Diffusion Index of juvenile delinquents was significantly higher than general and vocational senior high school students.    2. Sex differences were also found in formal operational development. Males performed significantly higher than females. the degree of increased formal operation capability with increased age was only found in male students of vocational senior high school. General senior high school students’ performance was significantly higher than vocational senior high school students; and juvenile delinquents’ performance were significantly less mature than general and vocational senior high school students.    3. The results indicate that the subjects who had low formal operational performance also had the highest Identity Diffusion Index scores.
頁次 423-468
卷期 4
日期 198210
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系