

篇名 國中學生學習式態之相關因素及其與學校教育態度﹑學業成就的關係
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 本研究有系統地探討國中學生學習式態之相關因素及其對學校教育態度和學科成績的關係。利用「學習式態測驗」(LSI)十四個量表測量南部地區916人,藉ANOVA,事後考驗,t考驗,複迴歸分析,F考驗的方法統計分析結果發現:(1)國中學生學習式態因性別、地區別而異;(2)前段班與後段班學生的學習式態在十四個量表中的五個量表上有別;(3)班段別與地區別在少數量表上形成顯著的變異;(4)學生學習與智力、社經地位相關類多不顯著;(5)國中學生學習式態與學生對數理學科、教師、學校的態度有顯著的相關;(6)學生學習式態與學生英、數、理科成就有顯著的相關;(7)利用學生學習式態十四個量表分數綜合預估其對數理科,對教師,與對學校態度,其R值分別為.3269;.3585;.3398;均為有意義的預測;(8)利用學習式態綜合預測英、數、理成績,其R值分別為.3436;.2808;.2912,均極顯著。
英文摘要 This study was to investigate Learning Style, its correlates, and to predict students’ attitudes toward schooling from student’s learning style as predictors. The learning style was measured by 14 scales of a Learning Style Inventory (LSI) constructed by this author. The sample includes 454 boys, 462 girls, of Junior middle schools selected by “Stratified randomly Sampling” from the southern part of Taiwan. With r, ANOVA, Multiple Regression, t test, F test, this study revealed as follows:    1. Boys and girls differ significantly on 7 of 14 scales in LSI.    2. Students living in different districts (city, county, remote island) differ significantly on 6 of LSI Scales.    3. The low achievement class students and the upper achievement class students differ significantly on 5 of LSI scales. However, there are no significant differences in the remaining scales.    4. Significant variations attributed by the mutual interactive effects of Achievement levels and districts were detected in 4 scales.
頁次 268-320
卷期 6
日期 198506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系