

篇名 以波特鑽石理論觀點探討經濟國際化衝擊下臺灣高等教育之競爭策略
並列篇名 The Competitive Strategy of Taiwan's Higher Education under the Impact of Globalized Economy--Porter's Diamond Theory Perspective
作者 蔡民田(Tsai, Mien-tien) 、莊立民(Chuang, Li-min)
中文摘要 我國在經濟國際化的衝擊下,未來高等教育面臨開放自由競爭的教育市場挑戰,本研究根據教育市場導向模式、全面品質教育及波特的「鑽石理論」的分析架構為理論依據,針對我國高等教育如何創造競爭優勢的策略作法,試圖提出一具有普遍解釋能力的理論架構。由於研究主題較少見諸文獻,研究設計上採取定性的探索性研究法,主要研究方法有文獻調查、檔案資料分析及比較研究。比較研究對象選取了教育改革成效卓著的美、英、日、澳與我國教育改革的歷程發展策略進行比較研究。
英文摘要 Due to the impact of globalized economy, the higher education in Taiwan will face intense competition. Focusing on the competitive advantage of Taiwan's higher education, this study attempts to figure out a theoretical framework based on marketing-driven for education model, total quality education model, and Porter's diamond theory. To date, little empirical research has focused on this issue, this study conducted a exploratory research, involving literature survey, documentary analysis, and comparative study. Samples encompassed USA, UK, Japan, Australia, and Taiwan.
For the development of competitive strategy, this study focused on the strategic advantage of six factors, including (1) chance, (2) government, (3) demand conditions, (4) factor conditions, (5) related and supporting industries of university, (6) university strategy, structure and rivalry. Meanwhile, the interaction of each key factor is also taken into account.
頁次 81-117
關鍵詞 高等教育 競爭策略 鑽石理論 Higher education Competitive strategy Diamond theory TSSCI
卷期 4:1
日期 200102
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所