

篇名 領導社群的建構:改進教育領導的整合觀點
並列篇名 The Construction Action of Community of Leadership: An Integrated Perspective on Improvement of Educational Leadership
作者 連俊智(Lian, Jun-Zhi)
中文摘要 新世紀領導者面臨了知識經濟發展、人力資源需求、環境快速變遷與價值多元化的諸多挑戰,而傳統科層體制中英雄式的單人領導,不但可能產生無法負荷的侷限與不足,亦衍生出權責是否相符、決策是否適宜與政策能否延續等等的疑慮。本文以領導整合的研究方法與層次分析取向,提出領導社群的思維,與既有教育組織中的科層體制結合,改善與強化教育領導效能。發展的意圖在於對結構框架的突破、象徵意義的尋求、人力資源的培育、政治協調與溝通;而建構領導社群的實踐行動,包括培養信任基礎與雙向關懷倫理的感動、建立與審視共同願景及價值觀、經驗知識的轉化分享與進行持續學習、進行無所不在的溝通行動。
英文摘要 This paper considered the leader of the organization which had many challenges in new era, including: knowledge economy, HRM, rapidly change of environment, and multi-valence. The individual and heroic leaders of tradition hierarchy could not be effective in these ways, whether power and responsibility was agreement? and whether policy would be continued? The paper utilized an integrated perspective of a research methodology and analysis of rank to bring up the leadership approach of community of leadership. In the end, the author pointed out four ways that could be used for the school leaders to apply the ideas of community of leadership when they lead schools.
頁次 89-117
關鍵詞 教育領導 領導社群 整合觀點 Community of leadership Educational leadership Integrated perspective TSSCI
卷期 10:4
日期 200711
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所