

篇名 臺灣外籍配偶子女學習適應與學業成就之間的關係:東南亞、大陸與本國籍配偶子女之比較
並列篇名 A Study of Learning Adaptation and Academic Achievements of Taiwan's Elementary School Students: Mothers with Southeast Asian, Mainland-Chinese and Taiwanese Nationality
作者 王振世(Wang, Chen-shih) 、蔡清中(Tsai,Ching-chung)
中文摘要 外籍配偶子女就讀國小學生人數已占台灣國小學生之4%,他們的學業成就和學習需求已成為台灣社會關注的焦點。本研究旨在探討東南亞籍、大陸籍與本國籍配偶子女在學習適應與學業成就是否有所不同。本研究以台中縣國小中高年級東南亞籍配偶子女124人、大陸籍配偶子女94人及本國籍配偶子女217人為研究樣本,對其實施學習適應量表,並蒐集其個人背景資料和七大領域的學期成績。結果顯示:一、外籍配偶子女之學業成就與台灣一般學生有顯著不同,在控制社經地位的影響之後,東南亞組學生在七大領域的表現均不如台灣組學生,而大陸組學生僅在自然與生活科技、社會、健康與體育、藝術與人文等四學習領域較為弱勢。二、以典型相關法探討學習適應與學業成就的關係時,發現各組學生的五個學習適應變項皆只透過一組典型因素來解釋七大領域的學習成就,但是解釋量卻不相同,其中東南亞組學生的解釋量最高,大陸組次之,台灣組最低。三、以背景變項及學習適應預測學業成就方面,東南亞組學生的預測解釋量最高,最重要的預測變項是學習環境,大陸組最具影響力的變項是學習習慣。最後,根據研究結果提出改進外籍配偶子女學習之輔導策略及後續研究的建議。
英文摘要 Elementary school students, whose mothers are of foreign nationality, have accounted for about 4% of all Taiwan’s elementary school students. Their learning achievements and educational needs have become a concern in Taiwan society. The goal of this study was to examine if there exist differences in learning adaptation and academic achievements of elementary school students from foreign-spouse families versus native-spouse families. Students’ family information, their grades in seven subject fields, and their scores on five learning adaptation subscales were collected for 124 elementary school students whose mothers are of Southeast Asian nationality, 93 students’ mothers are of Mainland Chinese nationality, and 217 students’ mothers are native Taiwanese. Students in the last group were specifically chosen to match with the economic status of a student in the first two groups. The major findings of this study included: (1) The grades of students in the Southeast-Asia group were inferior to the grades of students in the native group in all seven subject fields. The grades, in four subject fields, of students in the China group were inferior to those of students in the native group after holding the SES constant. (2) Irrespective of the mother’s nationalities, the five subscales of learning adaptation were significantly correlated with the grades of seven subject fields by a single pair of canonical factors. (3) The grades of seven subject fields could be effectively predicted by the background variables and the five subscales of learning adaptation. The predictors can explain the most variation of the academic achievement in the Southeast-Asia group with learning environment the most influencing factor. Learning habit could account for the most variation of the China group’s academic achievement. The above findings could be guidelines to allocate different educational resources to help different groups of students’ education needs.
頁次 75-105
關鍵詞 大陸籍配偶子女 外籍配偶子女 東南亞籍配偶子女 學習適應 學業成就 Academic achievement Foreign-born spouse Learning adaptation Mainland-China-born spouse Southeast-Asia-born spouse TSSCI
卷期 11:2
日期 200805
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所