

篇名 從區域合作觀點探究拉丁美洲高等教育國際化之發展策略
並列篇名 A Study of the Strategies for Internationalization of Higher Education in Latin America: From the Perspective of Regional Cooperation
作者 莊小萍
中文摘要 有鑑於經濟全球化驅力強化高等教育發展與國家競爭力的連結,各國政府莫不重視其高等教育之國際競爭力,各類跨境學術交流因而加速成長。在這波全球化及國際化潮流中,拉丁美洲國家也致力發展能兼具相容性、可比較性及競爭力的高等教育,以期促進學生及就業人力的流動,強化大學的角色及功能,進而提升國家的競爭力。為此,拉丁美洲國家除了透過各式跨國計畫及合作組織試圖整合該區域的高等教育外,更積極與歐洲聯盟發展策略聯盟關係,建立多面向的區域連結,嘗試共創一個跨洲高等教育聚合區。
本文旨在透過文獻回顧,以文件分析法針對區域合作在拉丁美洲高等教育國際化發展所扮演的角色,以及產生的影響進行研究。首先,論述區域化對高等教育之衝擊、高等教育國際化及國際合作相關議題,並以之為分析架構,探討拉丁美洲高等教育國際化之呈現型態、引發的衝擊及因應策略,繼而解析區域合作策略於推動拉丁美洲高等教育國際化的應用情形與產生的影響,最後藉由評估南方共同市場(Mercado Común del Sur, MERCOSUR)所推動的高等教育區域合作計畫獲致之成效,以及對參與國的影響,推論拉丁美洲高等教育國際化區域合作未來發展之前景及相關議題的反思。
英文摘要 Nowadays the regional cooperation and internationalization have become the key elements for higher education in responding to the impact of globalization. As a result, academic exchanges of students, teachers, and research projects among universities around different countries are increasing, and the acceptance of foreign contribution to education system is welcome. In the present context of globalization and internationalization, the Latin American countries are eager to create a more compatible, comparable, and competitive environment for higher education in order to promote the mobility of students and employees and to reinforce the function and role of the university. Therefore, those countries have made an effort to integrate individual system of higher education through transnational programs and cooperative organizations.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the regional organizations and cooperative programs by discussing the strategies, implementation, problems encountered, and future tendency of regional cooperation of higher education in Latin America. This paper included four parts: First, an explanation of meanings of regionalization and internationalization for higher education; Second, the description of the current situation and reforms of higher education in Latin America; Third, an examination of the regional cooperation programs of higher education in the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR), and fourth, an analyses of the basic elements and the strategies of this area as well as challenges in the future.
頁次 65-97
關鍵詞 regional cooperation Latin America internationalization of higher education 區域合作 高等教育國際化 拉丁美洲 TSSCI
卷期 12:3
日期 200908
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所