

篇名 电大学习支持服务体系的机遇与创新
並列篇名 The Opportunity an Innovation of the Development of Learning Support Services System in Radio and TV University
作者 杨顺起 、陈立勇 、平凡
中文摘要 学习型社会建设是广播电视大学面临的历史使命,在学习型社会建设的大背景下,越来越多的”远程教育共同体”将诞生,远程教育学习支持服务体系将支撑”远程教育共同体”的运行。通过对远程教育学习支持服务体系发展历史的分析,指出远程教育公共服务体系的发展方向是现代服务业,要按照现代服务业的市场机制运行。针对远程教育公共服务体系的发展形式,指出广播电视大学的学习支持服务体系需要不断创新并对其建设提出建议。
英文摘要 The constructure of learning society is the historical mission of radio and Television University, during the background of learning society, more and more “Community of distance─education” will be born, distance─education learning support services system will support the “Community of distance education”, through analysis of the history of distance─education learning support services systems, pointed out that the direction for the development of distance─education learning support services system is modern service industries. The study pointed out that Radio and TV University support service system need to constantly innovate, the article proposed recommendations for the construction of Radio and TV University support service system.
頁次 35-39
關鍵詞 innovation community of distance education learning society learning support service system 创新 远程教育共同体 学习型社会 学习支持服务 CSSCI
卷期 14:5
日期 200810
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學