

篇名 三套小学低年级语文教材用字研究 ─ 以人教版、苏教版和上教版教材为研究对象
並列篇名 Study on Characters Use in Triple Versions of Chinese Textbooks for Junior Students in Primary School ─ On three versions published by People’s Education Press, Suzhou Education Press and Shanghai Education Press
作者 曹建召 、陶本一
中文摘要 运用语料库统计工具,对现行人教版、苏教版、上教版小学低年级语文教材的字量、字种进行了统计分析,结果表明:三套教材基本按照《语文课程标准》精神编写,认字内容编排注重从”识写分离”到”识写同歩”。三套识字教材在共同字的选用上差异显著,名版本教材字种的选择随意性较大。通过对超纲字的研究发现,这些字与学生的生活相关度较高。识字教学的问题不仅是字量的增减,更要合理地考虑字种和字序。研制科学规范《小学生常用字表》是解决小学生识字问题的关键。
英文摘要 This paper, with corpus statistical tools, studies the species and quantities of characters of triple versions of Chinese textbook published by People’s Education Press, Suzhou Education Press and Shanghai Education Press for junior students in primary school. The result shows that the three versions compiled are generally coherent with Chinese Curriculum Standard;and the arrangement of content shifts its emphasis from ‘separating reading and writing” to “synchronizing reading and writing “. There lies significant difference in the selection of common characters among various versions of Chinese textbooks;and the selection of characters for textbooks depended mostly on editors’ will than on scientific base. We also found that the characters out of the outline were closely related to students’ daily life. Therefore, we hold that the species and order are more important than the quantities for the instruction of characters, and a normative Character Table in Common Use for Elementary Students is necessary for their characters learning.
頁次 47-53
關鍵詞 characters in common use character quantity character species Chinese textbook 常用字 字量 字种 语文教材 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200806
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學