

篇名 清华德文专业的早期发展及其学术史意
並列篇名 The Early Development of the Department of German Literature of Tsinghua University and Its Meaning in the Academic History
作者 单隽
中文摘要 在中国现代学术建立过程中,由西学东渐的泛泛背景到”外国学”各具体学科在大学体制内的建构生成,乃一不可不察的重要转折。作为”外国文学”之一的德语文学,其在现代中国语境下逐歩形成一门独立学科的过程,在某种意义上也折射出学统本身的差异。本文选择作为现代学统源流之一的清华大学与学术为背景,考察其德文专业筹办建立的具体过程,注重其与北大学统比较视野的引入,初歩揭示这种边缘学科建设发展对中国现代学术史的意义以及缺失。
英文摘要 The transformation from the general “learning from the West” to the establishment of different disciplines of foreign studies in the modern university system can not be ignored in the development of the modern Chinese academic history. As one of these disciplines, the establishment of the study of German literature as an independent discipline in modern China in certain sense reflects the different academic traditions themselves. This paper takes German literature in Tsinghua University, one of the origins of academic tradition in modern times, as a case and discusses the process of the establishment of the discipline in the university. It introduces a perspective of comparison with Peking University and preliminarily reveals the significance as well as the deficiency of the development of marginal disciplines to the history of modern Chinese academic history.
頁次 61-71
關鍵詞 清华大学 the history of education academic history German literature Tsinghua University 教育史 学术史 德文专业 CSSCI
卷期 4:6
日期 200812
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學