

篇名 寻找失落的知识分子精神──论教师的知识分子精神的式微与重建
並列篇名 To Seek the Lost Intellectual Spirit The Decline and Reconstruction of Teachers’ Intellectual Spirit
作者 车丽娜 、徐继存
中文摘要 知识分子意味着对社会的关注与价值的承担。在社会意识层面上将教师看作知识分子的典型代表,古今中外历史上都不乏教师的知识分子精神的显现,只是伴随着学校与社会生活的区隔以及专业主义意识的兴起,才使得教师失去了”社会思想者”的精神气质。要重建教师的知识分子品性,应当以教育价值观和教育评价机制等层面入手。
英文摘要 The intellectual means concerning society and bearing values. The teacher is regarded as a typical representative of the intellectual in people’s consciousness. In ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history there are many teachers who have an intellectual spirit. However, with a separation of school and social life, as well as a rise of the teacher’s professional consciousness, the teacher has lost his spiritual trait of “social thinker”. In order to reconstruct a teacher’s intellectual spirit we should start from educational values and educational appraisal mechanisms.
頁次 28-31
關鍵詞 specialization teacher intellectual 专业化 教师 知识分子 CSSCI
卷期 19:2
日期 200703
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心