

篇名 成敗經驗對不同焦慮程度學生心理反應之影響
作者 吳松林
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在探討成敗經驗對不同考試焦慮程度學生在自我概念、成就動機和抱負水準等心理反應的影響,以作為教學及輔導之參考。    本研究對象,係以分層隨機抽樣方式,運用自編之考試焦慮問卷(認知性)自高雄市五福國中二年級抽取高低二組不同焦慮程度學生64名,男女均半,共128名,進行實驗研究。    本研究方法係採用「雙實驗組前後測設計」,自變項有二個;以「成敗經驗」為「實驗操弄變項」,分為成功經驗與失敗經驗;以「焦慮程度」為「分類變項」,分為高焦慮與低焦慮,依變項即為前述三個心理反應變項。    研究工具有魏氏兒童智力量表(WISC)中之數形交替測驗(Coding),田納西自我概念量表和成就動機問卷,並以成敗經驗指導語作為引發學生成敗感之工具。同時,以受試者在成敗實驗處理過程中,於數形交替測驗上的抱負秒數,作為探討有關抱負水準之依據。    本研究主要發現如下:    1.短暫成功經驗對自我概念的影響顯著優於失敗經驗。    2.短暫成功經驗對成就動機的影響與失敗經驗無顯著差異。    3.短暫成功經驗對抱負水準的影響顯著優於失敗經驗。    4.低焦慮學生的自我概念顯著優於高焦慮學生。    5.低焦慮學生的成就動機顯著低於高焦慮學生。    6.低焦慮學生的抱負水準與高焦慮學生無顯著差異。    7.成敗經驗與焦慮程度對自我概念、成就動機及抱負水準沒有交互作用的影響。    本研究建議:    1.實施成就感教學,提供學生成功的機會。    2.學校行政在分班及學習評鑑上,應避免給學生失敗的標記,鼓勵學生作自我競爭。    3.加強學校輔導功能,建立學生正確的考試態度,以減輕學生之考試焦慮。    4.對學生的期望應適當,以減輕學生心理壓力及焦慮。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of success and failure experiences on self-concept, achievement motivation and aspiration level of junior high students with high and low test anxiety, so as to work as reference to instruction and guidance.    A 30-item questionnaire of test anxiety was first administered to a sample of 540 students drawn by the method of stratified sampling in Kaohsiung City. Two groups of 64 subjects each were then chosen from the sample for the experimental purpose: (1)students with high test anxiety, and (2)students with low test anxiety. These two groups were randomly assigned to the Success or the Failure condition to form a 2×2 factorial design.    The main findings of the study were as follows:    (1)The experience of Success and Failure have significant influences on self-concept. The self-concept of Success group is superior to that of the Failure group.    (2)The experience of Success and Failure has no significant influences on achievement motivation.    (3)The experiences of Success and Failure have significant influences on aspiration level. The aspiration level of Success group is superior to that of the Failure group.    (4)The self-concept of Low T-A group is significantly superior to High T-A group.    (5)The achievement motivation of Low T-A group is significantly inferior to High T-A group.    (6)There are no significant differences in aspiration level between High T-A group and Low T-A group.    (7)There are no interaction effect on self-concept, achievement motivation and aspiration level between Success-Failure experiences and High-Low T-A.
頁次 288-328
卷期 5
日期 198402
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系