

篇名 近代大学校长和教育家对中国教育传统的认识
並列篇名 Views of Modern University Presidents and Educators on Chinese Educational Tradition
作者 纪宝成 、李立国
中文摘要 借鉴、模仿、学习西方高等教育并扎根教育传统的中国近代高等教育,其发展注定走不同于西于大学发展之路。近代大学校长和教育家认识到教育传统不可能引导中国近代高等教育走向现代化。但是作为民族教育之魂的教育传统,却又直接或间接地影响了大学发展,完全切断传统是不可能的,也是不明智的。
英文摘要 Chinese modern higher education was initially modeled on western higher education but has also maintained its root in Chinese educational tradition. As a result, the development path of Chinese higher education has been different from that of the western world. A common view from modern university presidents and educators was:although Chinese educational tradition alone could not guide the mdoernisation of Chinese higher education, it is the soul of Chinese education and has long been influential both directly and indirectly to the progress of Chinese universities. It is neither wise nor possible from Chinese universities to break off from this tradition.
頁次 23-29
關鍵詞 educator university president Chinese educational traditions 教育家 校长 中国教育传统 CSSCI
卷期 27:4
日期 200608
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學