

篇名 大学与企业联合研究机构管理模式的探索
並列篇名 A Management Model of Joi8nt University ─ Enterprise Research Institute
作者 赵劲 、单建平
中文摘要 大学与企业共建联合研究机构已经成为国内一流研究型大学融入”以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系”的重要方式,如何规范建设和管理以实现大学与企业的互利双赢,已经成为大学迫切需要解决的问题。本文结合清华大学的经验,提出从功能定位、权益责任、组织机构和过程管理四个方面加强对联合研究机构管理的思路,并介绍了清华大学在此思路下形成的基本管理模式,特为高等学校以联合研究机构的形式进一歩推进产学研合作提供有益借鉴。
英文摘要 Research institute jointly established by the university and industry has become an important way for the first─class research universities in China to integrate themselves into “a technology innovation system that has the enterprise as its main body, faces the market, and combines industry with education and research”. How to regulate and manage the joint research institutes in order to generate mutual benefit for the university and enterprise?This is an urgent issue for the university to tackle. This article studies Tsinghua University’s experience in managing its joint research institutes. It involves function identification, benefit and responsibility, organization structure, and process management, and the general management model based on these four aspects. It is hoped that the Tsinghua experience may help higher education institutions to promote collaboration between industry, education and research through university─industry joint research institutes.
頁次 53-57
關鍵詞 industry university management model joint research institute 企业 大学 管理模式 联合研究机构 CSSCI
卷期 28:5
日期 200710
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學