

篇名 當孩子與老師運作的課程相遇-幼兒經驗課程的個案研究
並列篇名 When Children Encounter Teacher's Manifest Curriculum: A Case Study of Young Children's Experiential Curriculum
作者 廖鳳瑞 、李昭瑩
中文摘要 本研究以個案研究的方式探索二位五歲幼兒對於教師運作課程的知覺與感受。本研究主要的發現有:(1) 老師運作的課程屬輻射性的主題課程,並強調如何正確做,焦點幼兒在這樣的課程脈絡下,學到了如何正確執行工作,但並不理解為何要如此做,也未習得教師所期望的課程目標概念。(2)焦點幼兒都喜歡老師,他們對於運作課程活動的好惡,受到個人特質、興趣、家庭經驗以及活動性質的影響。(3)除了上述相同之外,兩位焦點幼兒對於老師運作的課程有著不同的陳述格式與內容,理解的程度也略有不同。根據本研究的發現,我們提出一些對於幼兒教育課程評鑑與課程改革的省思及研究方法上的建議。
英文摘要 This study explored two 5-year-old girls' experience of their teacher's formal curriculum. In-class videotaping, after-class interviews of two children, and the teacher's curriculum documents were collected. There were three major findings. First, in the context of a radiated thematic curriculum with the emphasis on how to complete teacher's pre-planned tasks, the subjects could accurately recall the task procedures but did not understand the teacher's rationale or the concepts underlying the tasks. Second, the subjects' activity preferences were influenced by each child's temperament and interests, the degree to which each activity was perceived as fun or boring, and their family experience. Third, the form and content of the two children's narratives about classroom life, as well as their understanding of the teacher's operational curriculum, were different. The implications for curriculum evaluation and reform, as well as suggestions for future research, are discussed .
頁次 89-112
關鍵詞 幼兒教育 經驗課程 運作課程 課程決定 敘事理論 early childhood education curriculum decision formal curriculum experiential curriculum operational curriculum narrative theory TSSCI
卷期 49:2
日期 200410
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學