

篇名 GCCCE的十年回顾与展望 ─ 访全球华人计算器教育应用学会主席陈德怀教授
並列篇名 Review of the Development of GCCCE over 10 Years ─ An Interview with Prof. Chen Dehuai
作者 希建华
中文摘要 20世纪90年代以来,技术与教育之间的关系越来越密切,相应的也有越来越多的人士参与到将技术应用在教育中的研究与实践中来,并逐渐形成有影响力的学术会议和学术团体。全球华人计算器教育应用大会(GCCCE)就是其中一例,它为全球的华人研究者和实践者提供了一个宽广的交流平台,从而推动这个领域的发展。2006年6月2─5日,本刊记者参加了第10届GCCCE大会,并有幸采访了大会主席陈德怀教授。作为领导者和参与者,陈德怀教授回顾了GCCCE十年发展历程,包括这个领域发展成就及存在问题,并展望了全球计算器教育应用的未来。陈德怀教授现任台湾中央大学网络学习科技研究所所长。他的研究横跨几个重要的数字学习子领域,自人工智能在教育的应用开始,延伸到计算器辅助合作学习,然后是网络学习社群,近年则特别关注行动与无所不在学习与游战式数学学习的研究。他曾ICCE1993、IEEEWMTE2004、GCCCE、CSCL2004及ITS2006等会议的主席。陈德怀担任多个国际著名数字学习相关期刊的副主编或编辑委员,并曾担任美国国家科学委员会、欧盟,及亚洲多个国家研究计划的评审。
英文摘要 From 1991s, education has closer relationship with computer, and more and more people engage the research and practice of technology in education. As a result, many academic conferences and communities are formed, in which GCCCE is one of the most influential one and it provide a broad platform for researchers and practicers to communicate. June, 2─5, 2006, the journalist attended the 10th GCCCE, and interviewed prof. Chen Dehuai, the chairman of the conference. As the leader and attendee, Prof. Chen reviewed the development of GCCCE, including the rapid process and problems, and forecast the future.Prof. Chen is the Director of Science and Technology for Learning and the Chair and Professor of the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at the National Central University of Taiwan. Over the years, Chan has worked on artificial intelligence in education, computer supported collaborative learning, computer mediated interactive classrooms, networked learning communities, ubiquitous and mobile learning, and more recently digital game and toy based learning.
Chan has co─founded conference series ICCEs and GCCCEs, international academic societies AACE─APC, GCSCE, and APSCE. In 2003, Chan initiated a network of world─class researchers, G1:1, for promoting international collaboration in one─to ─one technology enhanced learning. Chan has served n editorial boards, as associate editors, or as advisory editors, of about ten international journals as well a on project review panels in the US and the EU.
頁次 4-12
卷期 12:4
日期 200608
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學