

篇名 看上去很美 ─ 从另类儿童的小红花情结反思儿童教育
並列篇名 It Looks Beautiful ─ A Reflection on Child Education Through Unconventional Children’s Little Red Flower Complex
作者 游韵 、谭斌
中文摘要 儿童作为一种悖论式的存在,一方面寄托着成人对童年生活的美好回忆,另一方面又承受着来自成人世界以”小红花”为标志的对其天性的规训。这一悖论通过文学艺术中”另类儿童”的”小红花情结”得以显现。论文从描述影视文中”另类儿童”的教育经历入手,反思以”小红花”为代表的制度化教育对儿童天性的规训,揭示教育在”天性与规训”之间的矛盾。论文受现象学教育学的启发,提出要尊重“儿童的秘密”,在敬畏、尊重儿童天性的基础上给予其一种”恰当的教育关心”,将儿童基于天性的成熟和发展合理地纳入到社会需要的轨道中。
英文摘要 Children always lead a life full of conflicts, because they not only remind the adults of their wonderful childhood, but also are disciplined by the adults with many strict rules on their nature, which is marked by the “little red flower”. The paradox is reflected by the “little red flower complex” of the “unconventional children” in the literature. The paper starts from the description of the institutionalized education, represented by “little red flower”, on children’s nature, and revealing the paradox between the “nature and discipline” of education. The author is inspired by Phenomenogy Pedagogy, putting forward that “children’s secrecy” should be respected;children should be given “appropriate educational care” on the basis of revering and respecting their nature;and the children’s maturity and development on the basis of nature should match the need of the society.
頁次 25-32
關鍵詞 另类儿童 nature and discipline little red flower complex unconventional children 天性与规则 小红花情结 CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200902
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學