

篇名 師資生個人知識管理及其對專業學習與發展影響之研究
並列篇名 Teachers College Students’ Personal Knowledge Management and it’s Impact on Professional Learning and Development
作者 陳美玉
中文摘要 知識型社會中,師資培育應更正視如何協助師資生將所學過的教育理論與相關的學習經驗進行系統性管理,強化其專業反省機制,提升專業學習與發展之成效。基於此,本研究乃以一所國立師範學院的師資生為對象,採用行動研究法進行,並獲得八項重要的研究發現,包括:師資生個人知識管理是一辛苦且高具挑戰性的學習歷程,師資生個人知識管理考驗師資生行動中解決問題的能力,個人教育理念的合作建構是統整師資生內隱知識與外顯知識的有效途徑,師資生個人知識具實用特性,師資生的內隱知識極具引出價值,動態性領導策略的運用才能協助師資生進行順利的個人知識管理,個人知識管理有助於促進師資生專業學習與發展,師資生個人知識管理需注意時間的適當性、領導者經驗與因應策略等因素。最後,本研究亦從師資生個人知識管理知能的養成,師資生個人知識管理之領導策略,師資培育教學與未來研究等四個層面提出建議。
英文摘要 Nowadays, teacher education should enable students to become part of the “knowledge society” in order to foster their professional learning and development; to do so it must help students to absorb and integrate educational theories and personal experiences and also to manage their personal knowledge. Therefore, this study utilized action research; the subjects were students at a teachers college in Taiwan. The eight conclusions of this study were as follows: (1) using teacher education to enhance students’ personal knowledge management skills is a highly challenging process; (2) personal knowledge management tests the problem-solving capacities of teacher education students; (3) cooperative construction of personal educational belief is an effective approach for integrating tacit and explicit knowledge; (4) teacher education students’ personal knowledge is practice-oriented; (5) the tacit knowledge of teacher education students should be elicited; (6) applying dynamic leading strategies can help teacher education students manage their personal knowledge; (7) personal knowledge management helps to promote professional learning and development for teacher education students; (8) teacher education students’ personal knowledge management should stress the factors of timing, leading experiences and coping strategies. Finally, this study provides several suggestions for the promotion of teacher education students’ personal knowledge management, professional learning and development, as well as for the promotion of teacher education.
頁次 181-202
關鍵詞 師資生 個人知識地圖 個人知識管理 專業發展 teacher education students personal knowledge map personal knowledge management professional learning and development TSSCI
卷期 50:2
日期 200510
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學