

篇名 大學階段學力鑑定之政策規劃與分析
並列篇名 Policy Planning and Analysis of University Level Degree/Diploma Evaluation Program
作者 黃錦山(Huang, Chin-shan) 、胡夢鯨(Hu, Meng-ching) 、魏惠娟(Wei, Hui-chuan)
中文摘要 隨著終身學習與學習社會理念的提倡,社會民眾普遍參與學校外的學習活動。對此,世界主要國家如美國、中國大陸和韓國皆有實施大學階段學力鑑定的辦法與規定。反觀乎我國,僅只有中小學和專科程度的學力認證制度,並未與時俱進地將學力鑑定制度提升到大學階段。因此,實有其必要進行大學階段學習成就認證的政策規劃性研究,以提供政府相關單位進行相關的革新,以因應目前多元化的學習。所以,本研究目的有以下三點:一、比較分析主要國家有關大學階段學力鑑定的實施方式;二、探討我國將學力鑑定範圍向上提升至大學階段的可行途徑與實施策略;三、根據研究結果,具體提出我國實施大學階段學力鑑定的建議與相關法規的條文修訂。本研究結論,認為有推行大學階段學力鑑定制度的必要性,並且其實施的方式可以有筆試與選修學分授予學位兩種方式;其中這兩種實施方式的推行,在近程階段先以筆試的學力鑑定為主,至於選修學分授予學位的方式,宜列為長程計畫,俟相關配套措施準備完成後才給予實施。
英文摘要 This study is intended to explore the educational policy about university level degree/diploma evaluation program for self-education. In detail, there are three main research purposes in this study. Firstly, this study aims to make comparisons about the university level degree/diploma evaluation program for self-education among the main countries in the world. Secondly, the possible approaches and methods about the university level degree/diploma evaluation program for self-education in Taiwan are discussed. Finally, the recommendations regarding the educational policies about the university level degree/diploma evaluation program for self-education in Taiwan are made in order to promote the evaluation program for self-education to university level in Taiwan. In order to achieve the above three purposes, documentary analysis, face-to-face interviews and focused group interviews are employed in this study. In detail, the first research method, on the one hand, aims to achieve the first research purpose. On the other hand, the second and third research purposes are achieved by the other two research methods.
頁次 1-30
關鍵詞 自學考試 學力鑑定 學習成就認證 Accreditation Evaluation program for self-education Learning achievements TSSCI
卷期 10:2
日期 200705
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所