

篇名 当前我国高等教育过程中的不平等研究 ─ 基于对某高校农村学生群体的调查
並列篇名 Inequality in the Process of Attaining Higher Education ─ A Survey of a University’s Students from Rural Areas
作者 王处辉 、李娜
中文摘要 本研究采用质的研究方法,考察高等教育过程中的不平等问题。通过深度访谈28名出身农村的大学生,从在学、毕业两个维度对高等教育过程进行了动态考察,得出如下结论:一、高等教育过程中存在着不平等,出身于不同社会阶层的学生,即使进入相同的高校,在接受高等教育资源时也是不平等的;二、不同阶层学生在经济资本、社会资本和文化资本上的差异以及中学教育的差距,是影响高等教育过程公平的重要因素;三、高等教育过程的不平等,同高等教育起点的不平等,共同影响高等教育的结果─就业公平。
英文摘要 This study investigate equity issues in the process of attaining education from the two perspectives of study and graduation. Using qualitative research methods, he study interviews 28 students whose residential origin is rural area. There are three main findings. First, there is inequality in the process of attaining higher education. For students in the same higher education institution, students from different social classes have different amount of resources. Secondly, main factors in inequity in higher education include disparities in terms of economic, social and cultural capital and in the quality of education received in senior high school. Thirdly, inequality in the input higher education process leads to inequality in the output─graduate employment.
頁次 36-41
關鍵詞 高等教育 process of attaining education inequality higher education 教育过程 不平等 CSSCI
卷期 28:4
日期 200708
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學